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EcoSmart's Cosmo outdoor fireplace model offers a seamless integration of fireplace technology and  functional design between “technology” and  _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58 It's a great example of where the line starts to blur. New invisible technology behind which sophisticated engineering hides behind   minimalist design principles _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb19305-3193bb31359 Part of the 136bad5cf58d_wave, Cosmo combines an eco-friendly, clean-burning fireplace with the practical features of the   make. Ideal for premium modular furniture configurations, these interiors and exteriors the model will keep your guests open without embers, ashes and soot spoiling the atmosphere  your fire is hot lets you enjoy it.

With its self-contained fuel tank, energy source and portable structure, EcoSmart's outdoor fireplaces from the stand-alone models    show very well how they can make the most of a small space. Fully integrated, multifunctional design, fueled by eco-friendly bio-ethanol fuel   cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf58d_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5cf58d_cc3 -136bad5cf58d_means that she can experience the ambiance and peace of a real fire without the hassle   means more _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136badcf58d_ means more _cc781905cdecdecde-bb3bdc13631365bd_cc19f781905cdecde58-531365bd_cc19f581365bd Eliminates extra work such as cleaning ash and soot.

In fact, you can enjoy the fire and ambiance that comes with an authentic EcoSmart Fire in this model, which you can position simply by opening a package, without any installation or assembly work required. You can extract 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ .

 Weight :98KG
 Dimensions mm : L 1270 [50] W 762 [30] H 296 [11.7]
 Application Area : Outdoor
 Material : Concrete Composite, Stainless Steel Grade 304
 Colors : Naturale, Graphite

 Internal Accessories:Glass set-Decorative stone set

Fuel: Bioethanol
Burner Kit: XL900

Stock: 100633



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